Originally, one is relaxed; once the instructor claps his hands together, giving the signal for the preparatory breathe, one gets a little more tense or focussed, ready to act.
From Seiza, this practically means to transfer ones weight a little to the front in order to raise the toes and be able to stand up faster. This is achieved by slightly tilting the pelvis to the front.
From a standing position, this also means to transfer one’s weight a little more toward the ball of the feet (Kidney 1 Acupuncture point), by slightly bending the knees and turning toes inside (Uchi Hachi Ji Dachi). The heels are still on the floor, but the weight of the body is more toward the balls of the feet, ready to jump. We are not in a fighting stance yet, but we are not relaxed anymore, paying attention to our environment, Zanshin.
In Yoshukai, this is the attitude we take when the instructor commands “Kiotsuke” - "ki wo tsuke" or 気を付け (Stand to Attention). This term is also used in The last Samurai Movie by the commander of the army that is going to be attacked by the last Samurais.
How Strange, reminds me of one of my last Blog postings about Front Stances…
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