mercredi 5 août 2020

Iaijutsu : Tsukekomi / Gyakuto - BUNKAI

TSUKEKOMI / GYAKUTO is the 8th technique of the Shoden or beginners set of waza taught in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (Muso Shinden Ryu) Iaijutsu.

BUNKAI is the practical application of a technique (waza). It really is the essence of it. Practicing a waza without understanding its Bunkai is not Martial Art but Dance. There is nothing wrong about dance, but you have to decide what you want to do. There may be several different Bunkai for each waza.

This video is part of a series of Bunkai of the curricula taught in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (MJER) and Muso Shinden Ryu (MSR). They are performed by 20th centuries masters. In some cases, the Bunkai differ from Style to Style, and even within a style from Master to Master.

The masters featured in this video are :

  • Hakuo Sagawa (1917 – 2004)   Muso Shinden Ryu
  • Iwata Norikazu (1913 – 2011)   Muso Jikidem Eishin Ryu

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Hi Mr Lecut,
When looking at your recent posts, I am not seeing any videos linked. Don't know if it a problem on my side or yours...
Hope you are doing well!
Robert Barnes